请按照沟通直接创建SIG PR申请,参与PMC 会议评审即可 ------------------ Original ------------------ From: "杜天微";<duzc2@163.com>; Send time: Thursday, May 13, 2021 11:34 PM To: "开源鸿蒙开发组"<dev@openharmony.io>; Subject: [Dev] [SIG-Charter-Proposal-HBlockly] # SIG组 简体中文 | [English](./sig_hblockly.md) 说明:本SIG的内容遵循OpenHarmony的PMC管理章程 [README](/zh/pmc.md)中描述的约定。 ## SIG组工作目标和范围 ### 工作目标 为了扩展 OpenHarmony OS 在青少年编程和STEM教育中的应用范围,HBlockly SIG 将移植基于Blockly的图形化编程语言的运行时到OpenHarmony OS上,并支持软总线、分布式等OpenHarmony OS 能力。 HBlockly SIG同时将协助第三方设备厂商和教育服务商构建自有发行版和样例,协助设备厂商代码入库,与STEM教育行业合作,扩展 OpenHarmony OS 在少儿编程领域的生态。 ### 工作范围 - 提供基于Web的图形化编程IDE和编译器 基于Web环境的IDE和编译器,减少环境依赖。为L0~L5不同级别硬件设备提供统一、标准的编程环境。 - 定义图形化编程接口规范 指导外设厂商、开发板厂商、第三方服务贡献代码到社区 - 样例工程 创建三方传感器、网络服务样例工程,如温度传感器、电机控制板、百度AI、讯飞语音识别,给其他厂商和教师提供参考。 - 生态拓展 积极与学校、教师和教育服务商进行洽谈合作 ## 代码仓 - 代码仓地址: - hblockly: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/hblockly - hblockly-blocks: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/hblockly_blocks ## SIG组成员 ### Leader - [duzc2](https://gitee.com/duzc2) ### Committers列表 - [aaronchan_cx](https://gitee.com/aaronchan_cx) - [胡天麒](https://gitee.com/htq110219891) ### 联系方式(可选) 微信;duzc2dtw # SIG Template English | [简体中文](./sig_hblockly_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](/zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope In order to extend OpenHarmony OS's use in youth programming and STEM education, HBlockly SIG will port the runtime of the Blockly based graphical programming language to OpenHarmony OS. And support soft bus, distributed and other OpenHarmony OS capabilities. Hblockly SIG will also assist third party device vendors and education providers to build their own distribution and samples, assist device vendor code repository, and work with the STEM education industry to expand the OpenHarmony OS ecosystem in the field of programming for children. ### Scope - Provides a Web-based graphical programming IDE and compiler Web-based IDE and compiler to reduce environment dependency. For L0~L5 different levels of hardware equipment to provide a unified, standard programming environment. - Define graphical programming interface specifications Guide peripheral vendors, development board vendors, and third party service providers to contribute code to the community - Demo Projects Create third-party sensor and network service sample projects, such as temperature sensor, motor control board, Baidu AI, iFlytek voice recognition, to provide reference for other manufacturers and teachers. - Expanding Ecosystems Actively cooperate with schools, teachers and education providers ### The repository - project name: - hblockly: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/hblockly - hblockly-blocks: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/hblockly_blocks ## SIG Members ### Leader - [duzc2](https://gitee.com/duzc2) ### Committers列表 - [aaronchan_cx](https://gitee.com/aaronchan_cx) - [胡天麒](https://gitee.com/htq110219891) ### Contact (optional) - WeChat: duzc2dtw