您好, 我买了一块Hi3516DV300的开发板子,使用源码编译后的img文件烧录失败,麻烦大神帮我看看是哪里出了问题,在此衷心感谢您的协助。 1,源码编译结果如下: 2,visual studio code 配置和文件拷贝如下 2.1 我把需要的img都拷贝到了Hi3516下。 2.2 visual studio code 配置如下 以上配置都是参照 https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/device-dev/quick-start/... 3,执行下面这步 擦除U-Boot成功了。 4.执行下面这步烧录失败了。 4.1 ,失败日志显示 如下,详细日志在附件中; The preference.config file was loaded successfully! SerialPort has been connented, Please power off, then power on the device. If it doesn't work, please try to repower on. # ---- 36% # ---- 63% ---- 100% Boot download completed! Failed to wait boot running! There may be no boot on the board. Boot started successfully! Send command: getinfo version Timeout error. Failed to send the command head! Failed to load version info! Failed to Prepare for other partitions! hiburn.jar --burn [-x xmlPath] [-p programmerPath] This command will burn image to the flash according to the partition table xmlPath. First of all, you need to configure the burn.config file. 4.2 ,反复尝试 上面的烧录步骤都 不成功。 5,此开发版烧录前是正常可使用的。 --------------------------------------------------- bifeng.zhang@midea.com 张笔峰 17097236214 地址:深圳市南山区怡化金融科技大厦22层
participants (1)
Bifeng Zhang 张笔峰