Hi, all I'm Delphi Tang (唐佐林) from HOS community, and I have an idea to simplify the HOS device application development. For the purpose, I create the open source project on Gitee named Python for HOS and I'd like to make it as a SIG project for the further development. I list some infomation about the project below, and I wish your feedback. Enjoy it! Delphi Tang (唐佐林) Project: Python for HOS Summary Python for HOS is an optional module for HOS device development which is aimed at using Python language to develop device application. At the moment, HOS device application is created via C language and the developer has no other choice, which would be a wide gap for the junior. Python is a simple and widely used language, the requirement for supporting Python on HOS device is huge. On the other hand, Python application is described as script, no need to compile to binary before deploying to device, the language feature could simplify the process of application deployment and upgrade. Motivation 1. Only C language is supported for HOS device 2. The process of application deployment is complicated 3. Application upgrade from the air is difficult 4. Make it easy to make HOS device simulator Goals 1. Making a Python engine for HOS device 2. Binding HOS device system API to Python type 3. Making Python module as a choice to develop application 4. Using the Python engine to make HOS device simulator on PC Non-Goals NA Proposal 1. Porting the Python engine from MicroPython project and doing the necessary clipping 2. Making Python module as a choice at the application layer, NOT the system layer 3. Binding the system API from C type to Python type at HOS side 4. Providing a user friendly tool to transmit Python script from PC to device 5. Re-implement Python type system API on PC side to simulate device behavior User Stories (optional) I’m a deep learning engineer to supply CV solution for other companies currently. Somtimes, I’d like to talk about HOS from Huawei to them, the CV algorithm practitioner. Most of them show me the enthusiasm on HOS development, and they want to have a try. But, unfortunately, they are just good at using Python to create application and unfamiliar with C, the gap from Python to C makes a terrible obstacle for them to try to play with HOS, especially the HOS device. So, the idea emerged from my mind, why not make Python as a choice to develop HOS device application. Notes/Constraints/Caveats (optional) NA Risks and Mitigations NA Design Details 1. System Architecture 2. The Applilcation Level Adapter Test Plan 1. Python API Unit Test 2. Python Module Integration Test 3. Muti-Type Device Platform Test Graduation Criteria NA Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy NA Implementation History NA Drawbacks NA Alternatives NA Infrastructure Needed (optional) NA References (optional) NA

+1 non-binding. This is a very interesting project . The support for Python is very import for OpenHarmony. BTW , suggest make a small modification about the proposal , the project name is "OpenHarmony" not "HOS" :) Best Regards Liu Guo ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "delphi_tang" <delphi_tang@dt4sw.com>; 发送时间: 2020年12月3日(星期四) 中午11:54 收件人: "dev"<dev@openharmony.io>; 主题: [Dev] The SIG Application for My Project Hi, all I'm Delphi Tang (唐佐林) from HOS community, and I have an idea to simplify the HOS device application development. For the purpose, I create the open source project on Gitee named Python for HOS and I'd like to make it as a SIG project for the further development. I list some infomation about the project below, and I wish your feedback. Enjoy it! Delphi Tang (唐佐林) Project: Python for HOS Summary Python for HOS is an optional module for HOS device development which is aimed at using Python language to develop device application. At the moment, HOS device application is created via C language and the developer has no other choice, which would be a wide gap for the junior. Python is a simple and widely used language, the requirement for supporting Python on HOS device is huge. On the other hand, Python application is described as script, no need to compile to binary before deploying to device, the language feature could simplify the process of application deployment and upgrade. Motivation 1. Only C language is supported for HOS device 2. The process of application deployment is complicated 3. Application upgrade from the air is difficult 4. Make it easy to make HOS device simulator Goals 1. Making a Python engine for HOS device 2. Binding HOS device system API to Python type 3. Making Python module as a choice to develop application 4. Using the Python engine to make HOS device simulator on PC Non-Goals NA Proposal 1. Porting the Python engine from MicroPython project and doing the necessary clipping 2. Making Python module as a choice at the application layer, NOT the system layer 3. Binding the system API from C type to Python type at HOS side 4. Providing a user friendly tool to transmit Python script from PC to device 5. Re-implement Python type system API on PC side to simulate device behavior User Stories (optional) I’m a deep learning engineer to supply CV solution for other companies currently. Somtimes, I’d like to talk about HOS from Huawei to them, the CV algorithm practitioner. Most of them show me the enthusiasm on HOS development, and they want to have a try. But, unfortunately, they are just good at using Python to create application and unfamiliar with C, the gap from Python to C makes a terrible obstacle for them to try to play with HOS, especially the HOS device. So, the idea emerged from my mind, why not make Python as a choice to develop HOS device application. Notes/Constraints/Caveats (optional) NA Risks and Mitigations NA Design Details 1. System Architecture 2. The Applilcation Level Adapter Test Plan 1. Python API Unit Test 2. Python Module Integration Test 3. Muti-Type Device Platform Test Graduation Criteria NA Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy NA Implementation History NA Drawbacks NA Alternatives NA Infrastructure Needed (optional) NA References (optional) NA

Approve, thanks a lot for your conttributing. In order to be accepted and upstream to the OpenHarmony main-line, there are three items need to be pay attention: 1. Make the module into a component, which could be easily configure through macro definition 2. Make an assessment of ROM/RAM resource consumption so as to support KB-level devices 3. For references to third-party open source software( such as micro-python), please archive them in the third_party directory Best Regards Jinguang ------------------ Original ------------------ From: "delphi_tang";<delphi_tang@dt4sw.com>; Send time: Thursday, Dec 3, 2020 11:54 AM To: "dev"<dev@openharmony.io>; Subject: [Dev] The SIG Application for My Project Hi, all I'm Delphi Tang (唐佐林) from HOS community, and I have an idea to simplify the HOS device application development. For the purpose, I create the open source project on Gitee named Python for HOS and I'd like to make it as a SIG project for the further development. I list some infomation about the project below, and I wish your feedback. Enjoy it! Delphi Tang (唐佐林) Project: Python for HOS Summary Python for HOS is an optional module for HOS device development which is aimed at using Python language to develop device application. At the moment, HOS device application is created via C language and the developer has no other choice, which would be a wide gap for the junior. Python is a simple and widely used language, the requirement for supporting Python on HOS device is huge. On the other hand, Python application is described as script, no need to compile to binary before deploying to device, the language feature could simplify the process of application deployment and upgrade. Motivation 1. Only C language is supported for HOS device 2. The process of application deployment is complicated 3. Application upgrade from the air is difficult 4. Make it easy to make HOS device simulator Goals 1. Making a Python engine for HOS device 2. Binding HOS device system API to Python type 3. Making Python module as a choice to develop application 4. Using the Python engine to make HOS device simulator on PC Non-Goals NA Proposal 1. Porting the Python engine from MicroPython project and doing the necessary clipping 2. Making Python module as a choice at the application layer, NOT the system layer 3. Binding the system API from C type to Python type at HOS side 4. Providing a user friendly tool to transmit Python script from PC to device 5. Re-implement Python type system API on PC side to simulate device behavior User Stories (optional) I’m a deep learning engineer to supply CV solution for other companies currently. Somtimes, I’d like to talk about HOS from Huawei to them, the CV algorithm practitioner. Most of them show me the enthusiasm on HOS development, and they want to have a try. But, unfortunately, they are just good at using Python to create application and unfamiliar with C, the gap from Python to C makes a terrible obstacle for them to try to play with HOS, especially the HOS device. So, the idea emerged from my mind, why not make Python as a choice to develop HOS device application. Notes/Constraints/Caveats (optional) NA Risks and Mitigations NA Design Details 1. System Architecture 2. The Applilcation Level Adapter Test Plan 1. Python API Unit Test 2. Python Module Integration Test 3. Muti-Type Device Platform Test Graduation Criteria NA Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy NA Implementation History NA Drawbacks NA Alternatives NA Infrastructure Needed (optional) NA References (optional) NA

Approve, thanks a lot for your conttributing. In order to be accepted and upstream to the OpenHarmony main-line, there are three items need to be pay attention: 1. Make the module into a component, which could be easily configure through macro definition 2. Make an assessment of ROM/RAM resource consumption so as to support KB-level devices 3. For references to third-party open source software( such as micro-python), please archive them in the third_party directory Best Regards Jinguang ------------------ Original ------------------ From: "delphi_tang";<delphi_tang@dt4sw.com>; Send time: Thursday, Dec 3, 2020 11:54 AM To: "dev"<dev@openharmony.io>; Subject: [Dev] The SIG Application for My Project Hi, all I'm Delphi Tang (唐佐林) from HOS community, and I have an idea to simplify the HOS device application development. For the purpose, I create the open source project on Gitee named Python for HOS and I'd like to make it as a SIG project for the further development. I list some infomation about the project below, and I wish your feedback. Enjoy it! Delphi Tang (唐佐林)

Approve, great work. 马耀辉 消费者BG软件架构设计部 华为消费者BG 上海市浦东新区新金桥路1599号东方万国D栋3楼[20岛-2号] Mobile:+86 18521071721 Email: stesen.ma@huawei.com [cid:image005.png@01D6CE39.7811F9B0] 本邮件及其附件含有华为公司的保密信息,仅限于发送给上面地址中列出的个人或群组。 禁止任何其他人以任何形式使用(包括但不限于全部或部分地泄露、复制、或散发)本邮件中的信息。 如果您错收了本邮件,请您立即电话或邮件通知发件人并删除本邮件。 发件人: delphi_tang [mailto:delphi_tang@dt4sw.com] 发送时间: 2020年12月3日 11:54 收件人: dev <dev@openharmony.io> 主题: [Dev] The SIG Application for My Project Hi, all I'm Delphi Tang (唐佐林) from HOS community, and I have an idea to simplify the HOS device application development. For the purpose, I create the open source project on Gitee named Python for HOS<https://gitee.com/delphi-tang/python-for-hos> and I'd like to make it as a SIG project for the further development. I list some infomation about the project below, and I wish your feedback. Enjoy it! Delphi Tang (唐佐林) Project: Python for HOS Summary Python for HOS is an optional module for HOS device development which is aimed at using Python language to develop device application. At the moment, HOS device application is created via C language and the developer has no other choice, which would be a wide gap for the junior. Python is a simple and widely used language, the requirement for supporting Python on HOS device is huge. On the other hand, Python application is described as script, no need to compile to binary before deploying to device, the language feature could simplify the process of application deployment and upgrade. Motivation 1. Only C language is supported for HOS device 2. The process of application deployment is complicated 3. Application upgrade from the air is difficult 4. Make it easy to make HOS device simulator Goals 1. Making a Python engine for HOS device 2. Binding HOS device system API to Python type 3. Making Python module as a choice to develop application 4. Using the Python engine to make HOS device simulator on PC Non-Goals NA Proposal 1. Porting the Python engine from MicroPython<http://www.micropython.org/> project and doing the necessary clipping 2. Making Python module as a choice at the application layer, NOT the system layer 3. Binding the system API from C type to Python type at HOS side 4. Providing a user friendly tool to transmit Python script from PC to device 5. Re-implement Python type system API on PC side to simulate device behavior User Stories (optional) I’m a deep learning engineer to supply CV solution for other companies currently. Somtimes, I’d like to talk about HOS from Huawei to them, the CV algorithm practitioner. Most of them show me the enthusiasm on HOS development, and they want to have a try. But, unfortunately, they are just good at using Python to create application and unfamiliar with C, the gap from Python to C makes a terrible obstacle for them to try to play with HOS, especially the HOS device. So, the idea emerged from my mind, why not make Python as a choice to develop HOS device application. Notes/Constraints/Caveats (optional) NA Risks and Mitigations NA Design Details 1. System Architecture [cid:image003.png@01D6CE38.4D957820] 2. The Applilcation Level Adapter [cid:image004.png@01D6CE38.4D957820] Test Plan 1. Python API Unit Test 2. Python Module Integration Test 3. Muti-Type Device Platform Test Graduation Criteria NA Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy NA Implementation History NA Drawbacks NA Alternatives NA Infrastructure Needed (optional) NA References (optional) NA
participants (4)
Liu Guo