各位评审专家好, 基于近期沟通,源译识许可证翻译板块拟于12月3日(本周日)下午举行第10次译文评审会,预计3个小时,预期闭环LGPLv3译文评审,讨论稿请见附件。向您同步线上会议链接,非常感谢各位专家的参与! 会议主题:源译识|第10次译文评审会LGPLv3 会议时间:2023/12/03 13:30-16:30 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/7UX2oKogxrtB #腾讯会议:903-481-992 复制该信息,打开手机腾讯会议即可参与 源译识AtomGit总仓库;许可证翻译板块仓库 源译识近期出品: ASF 第三方开源组件许可证政策 2023年11月 OSPO——数字化政府的新工具 2023年11月 Elasticsearch诉Amazon商标侵权案(2021) 2023年11月 XimpleWare诉Versata Software等一审判决(2014) 2023年8月 卫sir近期出品:AGPL人话解读 郭雪雯 Vanessa 法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会 地址:北京经济技术开发区科谷一街8号院8号楼22层2201 This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you. 发件人: 郭雪雯 via Translation 发送时间: 2023-11-19 19:16 收件人: Translation 主题: [Translation] 1119会上讨论稿 // Re: 源译识 | 诚邀各位评审专家参加1119(本周日)第9次译文评审会!(并附4份投稿) 各位评审专家好, 感谢各位抽出宝贵的周末时间参与LGPLv3评审! 附件为1119评审清洁版,对于未评审的条款我补入了四份投稿的译本,供下次评审会(1203)评审。并附会上讨论的修订版本:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQk5BVlhndFBiYlFE 此外,如会上对FSF反馈邮件中 “open source / free software”用语的讨论,暂对源译识许可证翻译板块的中文表述为“开源许可证翻译”,英文表述为“FOSS License”,待后续有突破场景时再调整。基于下周与Eclipse基金会的预期沟通,拟定明年首先探讨 EPL 译文再返回来讨论GPLv2、LGPLv2.1等FSF推出的许可证。 祝好! 郭雪雯 Vanessa 法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会 地址:北京经济技术开发区科谷一街8号院8号楼22层2201 This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you. 发件人: 郭雪雯 via Translation 发送时间: 2023-11-13 18:55 收件人: Translation 主题: [Translation] 源译识 | 诚邀各位评审专家参加1119(本周日)第9次译文评审会!(并附4份投稿) 各位评审专家好, 基于近期沟通,“源译识” 许可证翻译项目拟于11月19日(本周日)下午举行第9次译文评审会(1203第10期),预计3个小时。我们非常诚挚地邀请各位评审专家参加!投稿4份请见附件,辛苦请各位专家在会前投票选出其中的最优版本,得票最多的译本将作为会上的讨论版本。 特别地,由于LGPLv3作为GPLv3的补充许可,第6条款表述基于GPLv3译本进行调整,请您仅审阅第0-5条款即可。 会议主题:源译识|第9次译文评审会 LGPLv3 会议时间:2023/11/19 13:00-16:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/r1jwl8NUDNYj #腾讯会议:972-205-927 复制该信息,打开手机腾讯会议即可参与 源译识项目近期主要审定稿: * 源译识| Elasticsearch诉Amazon商标侵权案(2021)- 20231106 * 源译识 | XimpleWare诉Versata Software等一审判决(2014) -20230807 * 源译识 | Apache License V2.0译文公示 - 20230411 如您有任何建议,欢迎随时联系我们!祝好! 郭雪雯 Vanessa 法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会 地址:北京经济技术开发区科谷一街8号院8号楼22层2201 电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.