各位伙伴,大家好 向大家同步2024年Q3源译识开源公益翻译社区最新翻译进展,以下译本可以在源译识AtomGit仓库中下载。括号中为已完成贡献的贡献者。 司法案例翻译板块1. [中] 浙江亿邦案 9·30国际翻译日 | 回顾最高法开源案例(翻译:郭雪雯、薛杨洁;审校:邓雨亭;评述:Till Jaeger、周丹丹、陶冶) 2. [美] 涉及第三方受益人维权的SFC v. Vizio案两份早期判决书(翻译:郭雪雯、薛杨洁;审校:张伟) 3. [荷] 涉及CC许可证的Curry v. Audax案 (译者:郭皓) 4. [比] 涉及CC许可证的Lichôdmapwa v. L’ASBL FESTIVAL DE THEATRE DE SPA 案 (译者:郭雪雯) 5. [西] 涉及CC许可证的SGAE v. Ricardo Andres Utrera Fernández案(翻译:曹云菲;审校:舒静怡) 许可证翻译板块 1. 6份许可证中译本合辑(微调版)(翻译:吴瑞、野行僧郭晧、曹阳、赵振华、Sikkim、张苏兵、欧轩琦、王荷舒、郭雪雯、薛杨洁;审校:周明辉、卫sir、沈芬、宋雷、徐美玲) 已经开展评审的内容如下,待定稿后再上线: 2. EPLv2、EPLv2 FAQ(翻译:欧轩琦、曹阳、邱何祎) 3. GPLv2(翻译:曹阳、赵振华、王荷舒、郭雪雯、薛杨洁) 向大家预告,2024年Q4拟开启的译校工作有:德国CC案件、spdx spec(联合openEuler社区)、LGPLv2.1、MPLv2;拟开启的评述工作有SFC v. Vizio(如有新判决)、一文读懂CC许可证等等。 值此“9·30国际翻译日”,我们再次向各位贡献开源的译校者、评述人表示诚挚感谢!顺祝国庆假期愉快! Vanessa Xuewen GUO Legal Counsel, OPENATOM FOUNDATION 2201, 22/F, Building 8, Yard 8, Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic Technological Development Area, Beijing, P.R.China 源译识公益翻译项目Contransus Translation Project This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.