郭雪雯 Vanessa
法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会
电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org
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From: "郭雪雯 via Translation"https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQkxXcmpzYk9WVmNo ,非常感谢您的宝贵时间!
会议时间:2023/07/16 13:30-17:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京
近期主要宣传稿件:源译识 | Apache License V2.0译文公示 - 20230411 非常感谢各位评审老师的支持!
郭雪雯 Vanessa
法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会
电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org
This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.
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From: "郭雪雯"https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/73dHY2Or1xMT
原则上,我们将基于第三、四次译文评审会选定的【投稿2】继续进行评审,为比对更优翻译,我们也建议同时参考【投稿1】【投稿3】【投稿4】【投稿5】,相关文本如附件。为了更好地协作,我们建议您于会前在腾讯文档中反馈您的评审意见:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQkxXcmpzYk9WVmNo ,非常感谢您的宝贵时间!
本项目主页;近期主要宣传稿件:源译识 | Apache License V2.0译文公示 - 20230411 非常感谢各位评审老师的支持!
郭雪雯 Vanessa
法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会
电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org
This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.
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From: "郭雪雯"