源译识 | 诚邀各位评审专家参加0409第三次译文评审会!

各位评审专家好! 我们诚挚地邀请您参与下周日4月9日下午举行的第三次“源译识”译文评审会! 基于投稿情况并经初步沟通,第三次译文评审会拟在下周日4月9日下午举行,主要评审GPL v3许可证译文。预计3个小时以内(如未完成评审,则分两次评审),线下地点待定(尽可能选在市里面),线上采用腾讯会议。还请各位老师看下时间是否方便?我们非常诚挚地邀请各位评审专家参加! 投稿还在持续进行中,原则上评审会前2天(4月7日下班前)将截止投稿。届时,我将同步各位专家匿名版的全部译文投稿,邀请每位评审专家针对该许可证投出一份您觉得更优的译本。投票数最高的译本将作为评审会上研讨的基础稿。 如您有任何建议,欢迎随时联系我们!祝好! 本项目主页;近期推广稿件:开源许可证第二次译文评审会及相关计划-20230228 郭雪雯 Vanessa 法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会 地址:北京经济技术开发区科谷一街8号院8号楼22层2201 电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.
participants (1)