各位评审专家好! 我们非常感谢各位专家百忙之中抽出宝贵的时间参与1月15日举行的译文评审会! 基于会前投票及会上讨论结论,现已在Gitee项目仓库上同步MIT、BSD-3-clause许可证译文审定稿(清洁版),批注版及清洁版如附件。公示期设定为一个月,至2月12日为止,如无其他意见,则前述审定稿成为最终稿。我们将于明日在基金会公众号上发布本次评审会总结及公示计划,敬请期待。 另外也邀请各位专家在2月中旬开启第二期评审会,评审内容为Apache2.0许可证,在此之前将继续征集Apache2.0许可证译文及其他疑译文。如有相关进展,我将及时同步各位老师!提前感谢! 顺祝春节愉快,阖家欢乐! 郭雪雯 Vanessa 法务与知识产权部 | 开放原子开源基金会 地址:北京经济技术开发区科谷一街8号院8号楼22层2201 电话:+86 15001075763 邮箱:vanessa@openatom.org This email message (with attachment, if any) is from OpenAtom Foundation. It may contain proprietary and confidential information meant solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Please keep confidential and do not disclose any or all information contained herein to any third party without prior written permission of the sender. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this original message and all attachments. Thank you.
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